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At over 110-years-old, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the oldest continually operating racetrack in the United States and is known as The Greatest Race Course in the World. With more than 250,000 permanent seats, it is the world's largest sports seating facility and hosts the largest single-day sporting event in the world, the Indianapolis 500.

On March 20, 1909, founders Carl G. Fisher, James A. Allison, Arthur C. Newby and Frank H. Wheeler officially formed the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Company. The four men pooled together their resources and purchased the land in December 1908. Fisher’s vision was to build an automobile testing ground to support Indiana’s growing automotive industry.

Experience the decade that sparked Indy 500 traditions race fans love today.

Experience the decade that changed the course of history at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Experience the decade that introduced modern-day legends to race fans around the world.

Experience the decade that brought star power to IMS and revolutionized racing in the Indy 500.

Experience the decade that broke records, and barriers, at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Experience the decade that delivered even closer racing and more exciting finishes to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Experience the decade that ushered in a new era of racing at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Experience the decade that introduced modern day legends to the racing history books.

Experience the decade that honored a century of racing and tradition with the biggest celebrations in all of sports.